Hear a number 1-9,999, know what it looks like and be able to identify the place and value of every digit
Mental Math: Multiplication up to 12 x 5 and the corresponding division facts,
Adding and Subtracting 3 and 4 digit numbers mentally
Number Characteristic and Vocabulary: Place Value, Multiple, Product, Quotient, factors
Counting from any number to any number by any number
Know first 30 prime numbers by memory
Know first 15 square numbers by memory
Know first 15 cube numbers by memory
Recognize and name numbers 1-1,000,000
Hear a number 1-1,000,000 and identify the place and value of every digit
Mental Math: Complete a string of addition and subtraction multiplication and division within a given time.
Vocabulary: Product, Quotient, Multiple, Factor, Numerator, Denominator, Decimal, Greatest Common Factor, Least Common Multiple, Prime Numbers, Square Numbers, Cube Numbers
Reasoning: Creative Thinking, Problem Solving
Counting from any number to any number by any number
Reasoning with fractions (order, relative size, impact of operations on fraction size)
Addition & Subtraction with Fractions
Multiplication & Division with Fractions
Reasoning with decimals
Addition & Subtraction
Multiplication & Division
Vocabulary: Product, Quotient, Multiple, Factor, Numerator, Denominator, Decimal, Greatest Common Factor, Least Common Multiple, Prime Numbers, Square Numbers, Cube Numbers